Notch Above Photo ClubPhoto Contest Winners

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A Notch Above Photography Club
September 11, 2021


Bill called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm with Tim, Mary, Bob, Brooke, and Scott on hand.  Also present was Deb, attending her first meeting.

Following introductions and mention of recent photo related endeavors Bob provided a Treasurer’s Report which indicated a balance of $453.84.

Members then displayed results for our monthly editing exercise.  In the future we’ll make use of the NAPC website to upload original images and the results of member edits.

This month’s Photo Contest topic was ‘Tabletop’ with Bob garnering first place honors with his image ‘Tools of the Trade.’

Bill then used Powerpoint slides to discuss in detail the pros and cons of sensor size.

Scott demo’d the use of Photoshop to edit a RAW image utilizing the LAB Color Space.

Next, Scott showed various photography accessories such as a Nisi Closeup Filter, a portable collapsible stool, a Litra Torch Lite, and a Plamp.

Initial plans were made for a field trip to Upper Ammonoosuc Falls to be followed by dinner at a nearby restaurant.  We’ll attempt to schedule this when foliage colors are peaking.

The Photo Contest topic for October will be ‘Covered Bridges’.

Scott will be Moderator for our 10/9 meeting.